In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.


The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had addressed the people:

"O people! shadowing you is a great month, a blessed month, a month in which is a night greater than a thousand months. Allah (SWT) has made compulsory fasting in this month and has made standing (in prayer) at night rewarding.

"Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by performing any deed of good in it (Ramadhan), he is as one who has performed a Fard in any (time) other than it. And whoever performs in it a Fard, he is as one who has performed seventy Faraa'id in any (time) other than it. (Ibn Khuzaymah, al-Bayhaqi)


The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has said:

“Whoever stands through Ramadhan (in prayer) with faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his past sins.” (al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) would (strongly) encourage people to the standing (in prayer) of Ramadhan, just short of ordaining it as a great (Fard) act. He (the Messenger (PBUH)) would say:

“Whoever stands through Ramadhan (in prayer) with faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his past sins.” (Muslim)

Some scholars are of the opinion that the reward of the standing (in prayer) of Ramadhan is applicable to all the Salah of Ramadhan. Most scholars including Imam an-Nawawi are of the opinion that Taraweeh is meant here. (Fathul Bari)


`A’ishah (RA) narrates:

“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) went out and performed the night prayers of Ramadhan and people followed him in prayer. In the morning people spoke about this and the number of people increased. He then went out on the second night and offered prayers and people offered behind him. In the morning people spoke about this and the number of people increased. Then he went out on the third night and offered prayers and people offered behind him. In the morning people spoke about this and the number of people increased until the Masjid could not hold so many people. He did not go out on that night. People started to say ‘Salah! Salah!’ But he did not go out to them until the time came for him to go for the Fajr prayer.

“After he completed the Fajr prayer, he faced the people, praised Allah (SWT) and then said that he was not afraid of their state (numbers) the night before, ‘But I was afraid that it would become a Fard upon you.’

“People were discouraged, then he would (strongly) encourage people to the standing (in prayer) of Ramadhan, just short of ordaining it as a great (Fard) act.

He (the Messenger (PBUH)) would say, ‘Whoever stands through Ramadhan (in prayer) with faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his past sins.’”

The narrator of this Hadith (`Urwah ibn Zubayr (RA)) mentions that this was the state of this prayer when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) passed away, and it was like that under the Khilaafah of Abu Bakr (RA) and also the initial part of the Khilaafah of `Umar (RA). Thereafter `Umar (RA) gathered everyone behind Ubayy ibn Ka`b (RA). And this was the first time people were gathered (through instruction) behind one Imam in Ramadhan. (al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Hibbaan (The words of this narration are that of Ibn Hibbaan)


`Abdur-Rahman ibn `Abdul Qari (RA) narrates:

“I went out with `Umar ibn Khattab (RA) one night in Ramadhan to the Masjid. There, the people were dispersed. (Here was) a person performing Salah alone, (there was) a person performing Salah with a few people following him. `Umar (RA) said, ‘I think that if these (people) gathered behind one reciter (Imam) it would be best.’ He was determined on this and thus gathered them behind Ubayy ibn Ka`b (RA).

“I then went out with him on another night, and the people were performing Salah with one reciter (Imam). `Umar (RA) said, ‘this is a commendable innovation. And those who sleep from this are better than those who stand.’

He meant from this those who sleep (early) to offer Salah late are better than those who offer Salah early.” (al-Bukhari)


Imam al-Bayhaqi states:

“It is clear that the Prophet (PBUH) prevented (himself from) the offering of Salah with people (i.e. as a group) on the fourth night because of the apprehension that Allah may make it a Fard upon them (the Muslims - which might prove difficult for them). When Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, took his soul to His mercy, it's (possibility of) becoming Fard ended. Thus `Umar (RA) did not have the apprehension that the gathering of all behind one reciter would be best. He thus instructed this. What he did was not against the Book nor the Sunnah nor even the consensus of the Ummah (i.e. none of the other Sahabah objected to or even questioned this) and it was not a misguiding
innovation but it was a good invention, based on the Prophet’s example of leading the congregation.” (as-Sunan a]-Sughra of al-Bayhaqi)



1. Taraweeh Salah is Sunnah Mu-akkadah (emphasised) for both men and women.

2. To perform Taraweeh in jamaa`ah is Sunnah Kifaayah for men, which means that in each locality/Masjid there should be at least one group of people who perform Salah in jamaa`ah.

3. It is permissible for a person to perform Taraweeh alone while others perform it together. However, it should not be such that due to everyone reading alone, no jamaa`ah is made, in which case all will be responsible for disregarding the sunnah.

4. The time for Taraweeh is from after Isha Salah to a little before as-Subh as-Sadiq. It can be performed either before or after the Witr Salah, although it is common practice that Witr follows Taraweeh.

5. If one has missed a few raka`at of Taraweeh and the Imam has commenced the Witr, then one may join the Witr and complete the remainder of the Taraweeh thereafter.

6. Taraweeh of 20 raka`at in groups of two is not only the example of the Sahabah, (other numbers of raka`at - 8, 12, 28, 36, 40, etc - have also been mentioned by various scholars.) but it is also what is practised upon by the ummah in general.

7. One should make a niyyah for 2 raka'at of Taraweeh each time. After every four raka`at it is Mustahabb to sit awhile and take a rest.

8. One may remain silent or recite the Qur'an or tasbeeh in a low voice or offer Nafl Salah separately during the period of rest after every four raka`at (as how time permits).

9. It is makruh to perform Taraweeh sitting if one has the strength of qiyaam (standing).

10. While performing Taraweeh some people do not join the jamaa`ah from the beginning but join the Imam when he prepares to go into Ruku`. This is makruh. They should join at the beginning.

11. If one does not get the Jamaa`ah for the Fard of `Isha’, he should first perform his Fard alone and then join the Jamaa`ah for Taraweeh.