In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.



The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The heart of a person who remains awake (in `Ibadah) during the night of `Eid al-Fitr and `Eid al-’Adha (these are the nights that come before `Eid) will not die on the Day when hearts will be dead (i.e. The
Day of Qiyamah).” (Ibn Mājah, al-Bayhaqī|, at-Tabarani)

In the above Hadith, if one focuses on Allah on these two nights, then one’s heart will not be overawed with terror on the Day of Qiyamah, when others will be in such fear that they will appear intoxicated.

Both the nights of `Eid, i.e. the nights preceding the Days of `Eid, are auspicious occasions which should be observed with reverence and worship. The Prophet (PBUH) said that these nights are great occasions of `Ibadah and of gaining the proximity and special Mercy of Allah (SWT). These blessed nights, should therefore not be allowed to pass by in idleness. Full advantage should be taken of these opportunities by engaging in `Ibadah to the best of our abilities. Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness for sins), Tilawah (reciting the Qur’an), Nafl Salah, Salawaat, etc. should be offered abundantly on these blessed nights.


The day of `Eid is not merely a festive occasion. A Muslim acquires great rewards from it and draws close to Allah if he spends the day of `Eid according to the teachings of Shari`ah. e.g. Pleasing relatives by visiting or inviting them is rewarding provided the laws of Hijab are met. One must remember that Islam is not against the concept of having a good time. But like any legal and moral system, any act which violates its codes is not acceptable.



1. To rise as early as possible (- performance of Fajr is a must).

2. To make Ghusl and use the Siwaak (Miswaak/toothstick).

3. To wear one’s best clothes whilst ensuring that it conforms with Shari`ah (Sunnah dress).

4. To apply `itr.

5. To eat anything (sweet) before departing for `Eid Salah.

6. To give “Sadaqah al-Fitr” before leaving for the Musallaa.



Jabir ibn `Abdulluh (RA) narrates that:
“Verily, on the day of `Eid al-Fitr (for `Eid Salah) Adhan is not given, nor is it given for `Eid al-Adha.” (al-Bukhari)

Jabir ibn `Abdulluh (RA) also narrates that:
“Salah on the day of `Eid starts with the sal\h before the Khutbah, and is not preceded by Adhan or Iqamah.” (Muslim)

Some Sunan to be observed before the `Eid Salah are:

1. To go to the Musallaa (`Eid Gah/ place set for `Eid prayer) early.

2. To walk to the Musallaa. There is no harm in using any means of conveyance if the Musallaa is at a distance.

3. To recite the following Takbeer while going to the Musallaa:


Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest;
There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest.
Allah is the Greatest and all praise is for Him.

4. To take a different route when returning home from the Musallaa.



1. No Nafl Salah should be performed at the Musallaa before or after `Eid Salah, nor should any be performed at home at that time.

2. It is Makruh (undesirable) to perform the `Eid Salah at any other place besides the Musallaa without any valid excuse.

3. It is very important to listen to both the Khutbahs after the `Eid Salah. If for some reason the Khutbah is not audible, it is still necessary to remain seated till the Khutbah ends.

Note: It is sinful not to listen to the Khutbah.

4. If such an error is made in `Eid Sal\a which necessitates Sajdah as-Sahw, Sajdah as-Sahw may be omitted to avoid confusion.



1. Make the intention of performing two Raka`at of `Eid Salah which is Wajib with six extra Takbeeraat (saying Allahu Akbar).

2. After the Takbeer (saying All\hu Akbar) to start salah, fold the hands and recite Thana (Du`aa’ after at-Takbeerah at-Tahreemah).

3. Then say the “Takbeer” and lift the hands thrice. After the first two times leave the arms by the sides, and only fold them after the third extra Takbeer.

4. Now, Surah al-Fatihah and another Surah will be recited by the Imam and the first rak’ah will be completed as in any other salah.

5. The second rak`ah will be performed similarly except that before going into Ruku`, the hands will be lifted thrice (whilst saying “Takbeer”) and each time they will be left by the sides.

6. With the 4th Takbeer, the Ruku` should be made, without raising the hands again.

7. The rest of the salah should be completed like any other salah.

8. Du`aa’ should be made after the salah instead of after the Khutbah.



1. If the Imam forgets to recite the extra Takbeeraat first in the first rak`ah and if he remembers after reciting Surah al-Fatihah, he should recite the extra Takbeer and repeat Surah al-Fatihah. However, if he remembers after reciting the additional surah (i.e. when Qira’ah is completed), then he should only perform the extra Takbeeraat.

2. If a person joins the `Eid Salah after the Imam has completed the extra Takbeeraat then he should perform the Takbeer of Tahrimah and immediately perform the additional Takbeeraat complying with the method shown previously.

3. If a person enters the salah when the Imam is about to go into Ruku` and he (the late-comer) fears that he will not be able to join the Imam in the Ruku` if he stands and performs the Takbeeraat, he should then recite the Takbeeraat in Ruku`, and omit the tasbeeh of Ruku` if there is no time. While performing the Takbeer in Ruku` the hands should not be raised but should be said verbally only. If the Imam emerges from the Ruku` and the latecomer has not yet completed the recitation of his Takbeer which he had missed then he should leave the remaining Takbeeraat and join the Imam. In this case the Takbeeraat which he could not complete are waived.

4. If someone missed a rak’ah of the `Eid Salah, he should complete it as follows: When the Imam completes the salah, he should rise and perform the missed rak`ah on his own, reciting Qira’ah (Surah Al-Fatihah plus another surah) first, followed by the Takbeeraat. The rest of the rak`ah is then completed as usual.

5. If one missed both raka`at and joined the Imam before he completed his salah, then one will offer the full salah as described before.

6. Since the condition of `Eid Salah is the formation of a jama`ah, a person missing `Eid Salah altogether is unable to perform the salah on his own. There is no Qada' for `Eid Salah. (If he can perform it with a later jama`ah he must do that).


`Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud (RA) relates that the Prophet (PBUH)'s du`a on both `Eids

O Allah, we ask you for an honourable life, and a balanced death, and a revival that is dignified and not degrading. O Allah, do not destroy us by making us disobey You and do not seize us by making us rebellious, and do not make us turn away from the truth or orders. O Allah, grant us chastity, wealth, piety, guidance and good reciprocation in the Hereafter and in this world.
We seek refuge in You (O Allah) from doubt, rebelliousness, pride and show in our religion. O He Who controls hearts, do not make our hearts slip after guiding them. Give us mercy from Your treasures. You alone are the Bestower. (at-Tabarani)


It is related from Anas (RA) that the Prophet (PBUH) has said:

“When the morning of `Eid comes, Allah sends His angels to every (piece of) land. The angels descend to the earth and stand on every elevation, and cry out in a voice that can be heard by the entire creation besides Man and Jinn, ‘O followers of Muhammad! Leave your houses to (turn to) a merciful Lord, who gives abundantly, and forgives great sins’.
“When they set off for the Musallaa, Allah asks the angels, ‘What reward is there for a labourer who has completed his duty.’
“The Angels reply ‘Our Lord! Our Master! His reward should be his
receiving payment.’
“Allah then decrees, ‘O my angels! I make you witness that in lieu of his fasting Ramadhan and standing (in prayer) throughout it, I have fixed My Pleasure and My Forgiveness.’
“Allah then states, ‘O my servants! Ask from me. By My Honour and Grandeur! There is nothing that you ask of me in regards to your afterlife that I shall not grant, and nothing of (the good of) your worldly life that I shall not allow. By My Honour! I will hide your faults as long as you think of Me. By My Honour! I shall never disgrace you, nor expose you to those who transgress. Return forgiven. You have (strove to) please me, and I am pleased.’” (al-Bayhaqi)


Six fasts should be kept in Shawwal after `Eid. These fasts may be kept continuously or separately, at whatever time is convenient in that month. Going by the principle that good deeds are rewarded tenfold:

Abu Ayyub (RA) relates that the Prophet (PBUH) has said:
“Whoever fasts Ramadhan and then follows it with six of Shawwal, he is one who has fasted ad-Dahr (perpetually/indefinitely).” (Ibn Hibban)

The month of Ramadhan is equal to that of ten months and the value of these six voluntary fasts are equal to that of the remaining two months to complete a full year, this, repeated annually, is perpetual reward.