In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.


I`tikaaf means to enter the Masjid with the intention of staying therein.
Mu'takif - One who performs I`tikaaf.

The basic purpose of I`tikaaf is that the heart gets attached to Allah (SWT) and,
with it, one attains inner composure and serenity; and pre-occupation with the mundane things of life ceases, and focus on the eternal reality develops in its place. And such a state is reached in which all fears, hopes and apprehensions are superseded by love, devotion, and remembrance of Allah.

The Prophet (PBUH) always observed I`tikaaf and the Muslims have on a whole adhered to it. It has become a regular feature of the month of Ramadhan and a confirmed practice with the devout and the faithful.

`A’ishah (RA) relates that “the Prophet (PBUH) regularly observed I`tikaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan till the end of his life. After him, his wives maintained the tradition”. (al-Bukhari and Muslim)




Ibn `Abbas (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Whoever walks to fulfil the needs of his brother, this is better for him than performing I`tikaaf for ten years. And whoever performs I`tikaaf for (just) one day, seeking Allaah’s pleasure, Allah will place three trenches between him and the fire of Hell. Each trench is wider than the distance between the Two Wings (the expanse of the East and West).” (at-Tabarani, al-Bayhaqi)



1. Wajib: To vow or pledge to make I`tikaaf (on a specified day) for the sake of Allah upon the fulfilment of some wish or desire, the least duration of a Wajib I`tikaaf is one day and one night and it must be accompanied by a fast. (at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim, Abu Dawud)

2. Sunnah Mu’akkadah: To spend the last ten nights and days of Ramadhan in the Masjid is Sunnah Mu’akkadah `alal-Kifaayah, i.e. If a (few) person(s) from the community fulfil the obligation of I`tikaaf, the entire community will be absolved of this sacred duty. Otherwise all the residents will be sinful of neglecting this Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH).

3. Mustahabb Or Nafl: This I`tikaaf can be for any amount of time, even for a few minutes.

Note: Fasting is not conditional for Mustahabb or Nafl I`tikaaf.



When one enters the Masjid, one should make the intention of I`tikaaf, specifying what the I`tikaaf is for (i.e. Ramadhan, oath, or as a Nafl act of worship). One should also make a mental note of how long one is staying in I`tikaaf for and one should, in one’s intention, clear away all other reasons and purposes other than the pleasure of Allah.



1. Niyyah: Intention.

2. Tahaarah: Not needing a bath is necessary for entering/staying in the Masjid. Having Wudu’ is required to get reward.

3. Sanity: A person should not be mentally unstable/deficient.



1. Eating.

2. Sleeping.

3. Discussing matters of Deen or necessary talk.

Note: It is Makruh to observe complete silence as a form of worship; this does not however permit worldly (e.g. conducting business, talking about sports etc) or sinful (e.g. backbiting, gossip, etc) talk.



1. For Wajib ghusl.

2. For wudu’.

3. To answer the call of nature (toilet), and other personal necessities.

Note: Leaving the Masjid without a Shar`i reason will break I`tikaaf. If the I`tikaaf was Wajib/Sunnah, then Qada’ of that day’s I`tikaaf is necessary.



A Mu’takif should engage himself in the following:

1. Recital of the Qur’aan.

2. Nafl/Qada’ Salah

3. Dhikr.

4. Salawaat (Durood).

5. Istighfaar.

6. Learn or teach the knowledge of Deen.

7. Contemplation and meditation of the favours of Allah.



Ladies may also perform I`tikaaf in the Masjid if facilities exist, or by designating a portion of their house, wherein they normally pray Salah. This, however, is not a Shar`i Masjid so none of the rulings specific to the Masjid apply.

The purpose behind this designation is merely for I`tikaaf purposes for the ladies, who are at liberty (it is not Sunnah Mu’akkadah for them) to perform I`tikaaf for the last ten days of Ramadhan in this specific room and thereby acquire the same reward as the menfolk in the Masjid.

Ladies should remember, that for them to perform this I`tikaaf of the last ten days of Ramadhan; purity (from Haidh) is essential. It should also be noted that for I`tikaaf of the last ten days of Ramadhan, ladies will not be able to undertake household duties. These domestic chores may be performed by others under her supervision while she is in I`tikaaf.